Monday, October 11, 2010

Now I have to get to Work

So, I like to write. I enjoy it more than most things out there. I mean, that is what I studied in school. I've been playing around with different ideas since college but not a one has made it very far yet. I get started on something and feel really good about it but then life throws a curve ball and I never get very far. It has always bugged me, this lack of finality on any idea I have, but I never dwelt on it because I still haven't found a way to get paid for just being me. I don;t usually have a ton of time to devote to writing. It is usually five minutes here and there every now and more often then.
Being the fantastic wife that she is, Christen bought me a desk, a chair, and a lamp for our one year anniversary to put in our second bedroom so I can have a writing station. It was so unexpected but a wonderful gift. So now I have no excuse. I actually have to get to work. I am so excited. All I have to do is put it together.
Hopefully I can get it up in the net few days and get to some furious typing or scribbling depending on my mood. So thank you to my amazingly caring wife who got me the perfect gift.
Bring it on Stephen King!!!

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