Okay, if any of you out there in the word have not seen ABC's Castle, you need to get on it. This is one of the best shows on tv. I am not a television watcher. There are a few shows out there that if I happen to be flipping through the channels and find them I will sit back and enjoy. I seek out Castle.
Let me explain why you are missing out if you have not become a fan of this show. It has everything. The cast is fantastic but what makes them all work well together is the script. First and foremost this is a murder mystery/detective show. Now before you give me all the but what about CSI nonsense, you need to understand that Castle is its own breed. For starters it is hilarious. this is one of the funniest shows out there and it isn't a sitcom. It is fresh, intense, fun, creative, and addictive.
The premise of the story is simple. Rick Castle writes murder mysteries. Kate Beckett is a homicide detective. A string of murders happen that are copies of murders committed in Castle's novels and he is brought in as a consultant to Beckett. He immediately shakes up everything she does and they butt heads. Of course there is the obvious sexual tension between the two but it never gets old, it never gets in the way and you even root for their hook up. they are the new Moulder and Scully.
Ryan and Espesito are detectives who work with Beckett and they bring a certain charm whenever they are on the screen. I promise, if you have any taste at all you will get hooked on this show.
Now they just finished their second season so if you are just jumping on this scene you have some time to catch up. The first season is out on DVD and I'm sure 2 is soon to follow. Rent it, buy it, borrow it, watch it on hulu. Do whatever you have to in order to watch this show. When it is on tv it is on ABC on Mondays at 10. Check it out.